
Kamis, 13 September 2012

Sad Love Story Warming

Sad Love Story Warming

Andre and Sally are an item that matched even though they come from vastly different backgrounds. Sherly family came from wealthy families and self-sufficiency, while Andre family is a family of poor farmers who depend their lives on rented land.
In both their lives, Andre loves Sally. Andre 1000 has been folded pieces of paper birds for Sherly Sherly and then hang the paper birds in his room. In each bird Andre wrote the paper hopes to Sally. There are so many expectations that Andre has revealed to Sally. "May we always love each other", "May God protect Sally from danger", "I hope we get a happy life", etc.. All hope had been symbolized in the bird paper given to Sally.
One day Andre fold a paper bird to 1001. The bird folded with transparent paper that looks very different from the birds of paper. When giving this paper bird, Andre said to Sally:

"Sally, this bird that my papers to 1001. In this paper birds I expect honesty and openness between you and me. I'm going to propose soon and we'll get married. Hopefully we can love until we become grandparents and until the Lord calls us both! '
When I heard Andre say, cry Sherly. He said to Andre:

"Ndre, so glad I heard it all, but I have now decided not to marry you because I need the money and wealth in the words of my parents!"
When I heard that Andre was like struck by lightning. He then started to get angry at Sally. He say to Sally matre, the heartless, cruel, and so on. And Finally Andre leaving Sally alone crying.
Andre started burning passion. He resolved within himself that he should be successful and live successfully. Sherly attitude whip maketh to advance and move forward. In the month Andre efforts show results. He was appointed head of the branch where he worked, and within a year he was promoted to manager of a company that is bonafide and soon he has a 50% share of the company. Now no one does not know Andre, he was the star of success.
One day Andre was touring the town with his new car. Suddenly he saw an old married couple were walking in the rain. The husband and wife looked shabby and unkempt. Andre was curious and approached the couple with his car and he found that the husband and wife are the parents Sherly.
Andre began to think to give lessons to the two men, but his conscience forbade him very strong. Andre canceled a plan and he followed where did the parents Sherly.
Andre was shocked when a parent is found Sally enters a tomb filled with paper birds. He was even more surprised when he found the tomb Sherly photo. Andre was rushed down from his car and ran to the tomb to see parents Sherly Sherly.
Sherly parents were said to Andre:

"Ndre, now we are falling into poverty. Our treasure discharged for medical expenses Sherly affected by cervical cancer malignancy. Sally left a letter to be given to us when we met you. "
Parents Sherly ragged submit a letter to Andre.
Andre read the letter.

"Ndre, I'm sorry. I was forced to lie to you. I malignant uterine cancer that can not be cured. I could not have said this at the time, because if I do, I'll make you fall in sentimental life full of despair that will bring life to destruction. I know all tabiatmu Ndre, so I did this. I love Ndree ........... '
After reading the letter, Andre cry. He has been prejudiced against Sally so cruel. He began to feel how heart-cut slices Sally when she taunted him, called her matre, cruel and heartless. He felt how Sherly lonely by myself in pain until death to pick her up, how Sherly expect its presence in times of suffering. But she prefers to think of Sally as matre not berperasan. Sally had sacrificed for him so he would not fall into despair and destruction.
It was very touching. A very sad story is very touching. May we all take the wisdom behind Andre and Sally Love Story, which is a Love Story Teenagers are very sad and touching.
From the sad and touching story told by Andre and Sally, can take the conclusion that "Love is not a hug or a kiss but love is a sacrifice for the people who meant so much to us."
What is your conclusion after reading the above Warming Sad Love Story

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